
Technical Sessions-Big Data

Machine Learning in the age of Big Data


24th November, 17:20-17:50

Since the problem of storing and processing large amount of data was roughly solved, mainly after the raise and maturity of the Hadoop ecosystem, it’s really important what we are trying to do with Big Data. Machine Learning, even if it’s not something new, gain tremendous importance in the context of big data and we can see more and more practical applications starting with the recommendation systems from Amazon/Netflix and ending with self-driving cars from Google/Tesla. The presentation “Machine Learning in the age of Big Data” will provide an overview on Machine Learning and Big Data and also some practical examples including a live demo with an online machine learning algorithm that we are currently developing at SDL Research.

Daniel Sârbe


Daniel is leading the Big Data and Machine Translation group at SDL Research Cluj, working on a Hadoop-based data pipeline that processes Petabytes of unstructured data; the resulting clean data is used to increase the quality of SDL’s Statistical Machine Translation engines. Daniel is involved in the local Big Data community as a meet-up organizer/speaker, conference moderator in the effort to raise the awareness of the Big Data and Machine Learning field.